Ethics and Compliance Policy

Hello! Welcome to the GAMAK “Ethics and Compliance Line!”

GAMAK continually strengthens its commitment to ethical values and transparent business practices. To ensure that our employees, customers, suppliers, and other stakeholders adhere to ethical standards, we have implemented the “Ethics and Compliance Line.”

The Ethics and Compliance Line provides a confidential communication channel for our employees, customers, suppliers, and other stakeholders to report any situations, violations, suspicions, or concerns that do not comply with ethical rules. Through this channel, GAMAK aims to ensure adherence to its ethical values, create a transparent business environment, and uphold the highest level of business ethics.

Reports made to the Ethics and Compliance Line are processed in full compliance with confidentiality and General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) standards. There is no obligation for the reporting individual to provide personal information. Concerns can be securely shared using the confidential (anonymous) communication option. All personal information is kept confidential in all reports.

How to Use It:

You can access our Ethics and Compliance Line via phone or online platform, supported by PwC, an independent auditing firm and provider of the Ethics Support Center.

A detailed report created by the Ethics Support Center provider is shared with the GAMAK Ethics and Compliance Team, ensuring that your reports are handled with “prioritization,” “personalized” and “confidentiality” standards. For confidential (anonymous) reports, a special reference number is provided to protect your privacy and allow you to track the report using the same reference number.

For any questions, please contact us at the Ethics and Compliance Line at

GAMAK Ethics and Compliance Line Contact (Reporting) Channels:


Platform: Click here to report.


Phone: +90 850 237 9451

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